Monday, 29 July 2013

Fetch Cartesian product count from 2 column, both columns containing ID, one containing comma separated IDs

I am working on a chart which uses xml data to build the graph. Well, here I am not going to do anything on xml. Rather I will look into what data the chart is expecting, what were the challenges that I faced and how did I overcome it.
I have a table named ‘OfficeDetails’, of which I am interested in 3 columns viz., ‘AppID’, ‘ManagedBy’, ‘BU’. My graph will contain the information of the last 2 columns, but as I need some unique column for filtering the data, I had chosen AppID for that purpose.  ManagedBy and BU contains the ID and the actual values are available in OFFICELookupValue table.
The graph need the count of ManagedBy for each BU. However the graph need the count even if a ManagedBy –BU count is 0; i.e, if there are 10 unique BU and 5 ManagedBy then we need to return 10*5=50 records. The logic becomes more complicated because the BU column consists of comma separated Ids. I looked for some sort of logic to loop through the rows in OfficeDetails table. Most of them suggested cursors. Well, I am aware that cursor in SqlServer is not a very good idea. Looked around and I found a much better solution.
Step 1
Create a table variable:
DECLARE @tempOfficeDetails TABLE(AppID INT , ManagedBy INT, BU VARCHAR(200)) 
Step 2
Insert the required data to the table variable, we may also filter data in this step:
INSERT INTO @tempOfficeDetails  
      SELECT AppID, ManagedBy, BU FROM OfficeDetails ORDER BY BU DESC
Step 3
Handling the comma separated values of BU need one more table variable:
DECLARE @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU TABLE(AppID INT , ManagedBy INT, BU VARCHAR(200))
Step 4
As we move through the While loop the top values are inserted to tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU  table:
SELECT TOP 1 @AppID = AppID, @ManagedBy = ManagedBy, @BU = BU FROM @tempOfficeDetails 
            INSERT INTO @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU SELECT AppID, ManagedBy, S.part FROM @tempOfficeDetails CROSS APPLY [dbo].[SplitString](@BU, ',') AS S WHERE AppID =@AppID 
            DELETE  @tempOfficeDetails WHERE @AppID = AppID 
            SET @AppID = NULL          
            SELECT TOP 1 @AppID = AppID, @ManagedBy = ManagedBy, @BU = BU FROM @tempOfficeDetails   
Step 5
We Created one more table variable @BusinessFunctManagedBy which will store the all the records where ManagedBy –BU count is >0.
DECLARE @BusinessFunctManagedBy TABLE           
            BusinessFunct VARCHAR(254),           
            ManagedBy VARCHAR(254),           
            OfficeCount INT            
Step 6
The step/logic to insert the records from tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU is below:

INSERT INTO @BusinessFunctManagedBy           
      SELECT officelkp2.[Value] AS BusinessFunct, officelkp.[Value] AS ManagedBy,            
            OfficeCount = CASE WHEN officelkp2.[Value] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE COUNT(1) END           
      FROM  @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU  AS OfficeDetails         
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp      
            ON officelkp.pkID = OfficeDetails.ManagedBy 
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp2      
            ON officelkp2.pkID = OfficeDetails.BU           
      GROUP BY officelkp2.[Value], officelkp.[Value] ORDER BY officelkp2.[Value] DESC

Step 7
Since we need the records where BU-ManagedBy count is 0, we created 2 table variables and inserted records as below:

DECLARE @BusinessFunct TABLE           
            BusinessFunct VARCHAR(254)           
      DECLARE @ManagedByTab TABLE           
            ManagedBy VARCHAR(254)           
      INSERT INTO @BusinessFunct           
      SELECT DISTINCT officelkp.[Value]  AS BusinessFunct         
      FROM  @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU  AS OfficeDetails    
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp      
            ON officelkp.pkID = OfficeDetails.BU       
      --SELECT * from @BusinessFunct
      INSERT INTO @ManagedByTab           
      SELECT DISTINCT officelkp.[Value] AS ManagedBy         
      FROM  @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU  AS OfficeDetails      
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp      
            ON officelkp.pkID = OfficeDetails.ManagedBy 

Step 8
We created one more table variable TotalMatching which inserts the Cartesian product of ManagedBy-BU columns with count 0. Next it update the OfficeCount with values from BusinessFunctManagedBy table that we created earlier. Next delete all the records where record count is 0. Hence we are left with only the records with 0 count. Insert them to BusinessFunctManagedBy.

DECLARE @TotalMatching TABLE           
            BusinessFunct VARCHAR(254),           
            ManagedBy VARCHAR(254),            
            OfficeCount INT           
      INSERT INTO @TotalMatching           
      SELECT H.BusinessFunct,M.ManagedBy,0           
      FROM @BusinessFunct H           
      CROSS JOIN @ManagedByTab M           
      UPDATE T           
      SET T.OfficeCount = A.OfficeCount           
      FROM @TotalMatching T           
      INNER JOIN @BusinessFunctManagedBy A           
            ON T.BusinessFunct = A.BusinessFunct           
            AND T.ManagedBy=A.ManagedBy           
      DELETE FROM @TotalMatching           
      WHERE OfficeCount > 0           
      INSERT INTO @BusinessFunctManagedBy           
      SELECT * FROM @TotalMatching           

 The complete stored procedure is below:

CREATE PROC dbo.OFFICE_BusinessFunctManagedBy     
      DECLARE @tempOfficeDetails TABLE(AppID INT , ManagedBy INT, BU VARCHAR(200)) 
      DECLARE @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU TABLE(AppID INT , ManagedBy INT, BU VARCHAR(200))

      DECLARE  @AppID INT, @ManagedBy INT, @BU VARCHAR(200)

      INSERT INTO @tempOfficeDetails  
      SELECT AppID, ManagedBy, BU FROM OfficeDetails ORDER BY BU DESC 

      SELECT TOP 1 @AppID = AppID, @ManagedBy = ManagedBy, @BU = BU FROM @tempOfficeDetails 
            INSERT INTO @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU SELECT AppID, ManagedBy, S.part FROM @tempOfficeDetails CROSS APPLY [dbo].[SplitString](@BU, ',') AS S WHERE AppID =@AppID 
            DELETE  @tempOfficeDetails WHERE @AppID = AppID 
            SET @AppID = NULL          
            SELECT TOP 1 @AppID = AppID, @ManagedBy = ManagedBy, @BU = BU FROM @tempOfficeDetails   

      DECLARE @BusinessFunctManagedBy TABLE           
            BusinessFunct VARCHAR(254),           
            ManagedBy VARCHAR(254),           
            OfficeCount INT            
      INSERT INTO @BusinessFunctManagedBy           
      SELECT officelkp2.[Value] AS BusinessFunct, officelkp.[Value] AS ManagedBy,            
            OfficeCount = CASE WHEN officelkp2.[Value] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE COUNT(1) END           
      FROM  @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU  AS OfficeDetails         
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp      
            ON officelkp.pkID = OfficeDetails.ManagedBy 
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp2      
            ON officelkp2.pkID = OfficeDetails.BU           
      GROUP BY officelkp2.[Value], officelkp.[Value] ORDER BY officelkp2.[Value] DESC

      --SELECT * from @BusinessFunctManagedBy order by BusinessFunct asc

      DECLARE @BusinessFunct TABLE           
            BusinessFunct VARCHAR(254)           
      DECLARE @ManagedByTab TABLE           
            ManagedBy VARCHAR(254)           
      INSERT INTO @BusinessFunct           
      SELECT DISTINCT officelkp.[Value]  AS BusinessFunct         
      FROM  @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU  AS OfficeDetails    
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp      
            ON officelkp.pkID = OfficeDetails.BU       
      --SELECT * from @BusinessFunct
      INSERT INTO @ManagedByTab           
      SELECT DISTINCT officelkp.[Value] AS ManagedBy         
      FROM  @tempOfficeDetailsSplitBU  AS OfficeDetails      
      LEFT JOIN OFFICELookupValue officelkp      
            ON officelkp.pkID = OfficeDetails.ManagedBy              
      DECLARE @TotalMatching TABLE           
            BusinessFunct VARCHAR(254),           
            ManagedBy VARCHAR(254),            
            OfficeCount INT           
      INSERT INTO @TotalMatching           
      SELECT H.BusinessFunct,M.ManagedBy,0           
      FROM @BusinessFunct H           
      CROSS JOIN @ManagedByTab M           
      UPDATE T           
      SET T.OfficeCount = A.OfficeCount           
      FROM @TotalMatching T           
      INNER JOIN @BusinessFunctManagedBy A           
            ON T.BusinessFunct = A.BusinessFunct           
            AND T.ManagedBy=A.ManagedBy           
      DELETE FROM @TotalMatching           
      WHERE OfficeCount > 0           
      INSERT INTO @BusinessFunctManagedBy           
      SELECT * FROM @TotalMatching           
      SELECT * FROM @BusinessFunctManagedBy ORDER BY LEN(BusinessFunct) DESC, 2, 1           

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